Many buyers & sellers overlook the importance of availability & accessibility of your agent and brokerage taking care of your deal.
I am available from the early morning to midnight each and every day including weekends for all of my clients. Our brokerage is open 7 DAYS A WEEK including extended hours to be available for our clients, lawyers, banks, etc. Homelife Landmark also deploys the latest available technology & have up-to-date trained staff to make sure your transaction is taken care of in a timely manner.
These are a few of frustrating scenarios we deal with each and every day:
– Agents not being able to show a property due to many reasons such as: agent is missing, brokerage is closed, no automated booking / paging system, agent away
– Lawyers unable to get the hold of the right people at the Brokerage to complete the deal
– Inspectors / Banks: unable to access property